Collectibles Liquidity Pool
Every time a collectible asset is minted, 20% of the minting value goes to the Liquidity Pool, which facilitates the purchasing and selling of in-game assets, while ensuring the Apes Planet Marketplace's trading stability.
An insight into the Liquidity Pool
The approach of allocating 20% of the minting price to the Liquidity Pool brings tremendous benefits to the Apes Planet ecosystem. This strategic move not only ensures a sustainable and robust trading environment but also provides a powerful incentive for collectors and investors to actively participate in the platform.
Sustaining a Healthy Marketplace
By dedicating a portion of the minting price to the Liquidity Pool, Apes Planet Marketplace guarantees a continuous liquidity flow within the system. This liquidity is crucial for maintaining a competitive marketplace where users can confidently buy and sell in-game assets without facing significant price slippage or liquidity shortages.
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